GBA Training 2020

The Greater Bay Area development has taken centre stage in Hong Kong Policy Address 2020. To facilitate members taking business opportunities in GBA, HKAPI jointly organized a virtual training with the Shenzhen Hospital Manager Association in November and December 2020.
The seminar series covered topics including an overview of the Mainland China’s healthcare system, the development of public and private healthcare services, market access, private medical insurance, clinical trials and big data applications in GBA.
The following experts were invited as speakers (in sequence of appearance):
1. Dr. Chen Yao, Representative from the System Reform and Community Health Division, Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission
2. Mr. Brian Siu, Executive Director, New Frontier
3. Prof. Hu Yuan-jia, Associate Professor, Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, University of Macau
4. Dr. Dongning Yao, Post Doc, Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, University of Macau
5. Mr. Bryan Peng, Head of Innovation and Technology, Grater Bay Area, InvestHK
6. Dr. Wu Jian Long, Director of Pharmacy, The Second People’s Hospital of Shenzhen
7. Mr. Bill Leung, General Manager (Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Services), Pharmacy Department of HKU-SZ Hospital
8. Mr. Jonathan Zhang, Chief Commercial Officer, Avo Insurance
9. Mr. Henry Yau, Managing Director of the University of Hong Kong Clinical Trials Centre
10. Dr. Maggie Chu, Senior Manager, BioMedical Technology Cluster, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
11. Mr. Wang Cai You, Former Vice-chairman, National Health Commission Statistical Information Center
12. Prof. Ian Wong, Head, Department of Pharmacology & Pharmacy, University of Hong Kong
13. Dr. Carolina Ung, Assistant Professor, Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, University of Macau