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OISG called for holistic cancer strategy

The Oncology Innovation Study Group (OISG) urged for extra community care and more affordable drugs in the wake of rising cancer in Hong Kong.
The group, which HKAPI is a member, called for a comprehensive “Cancer Strategy for Hong Kong” in five areas that includes prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and palliative care.
In the KPMG report researching on cancer strategy, the group advocated a cap could be set on patient charges for a specific period based on average cancer survival rates under a risk-sharing agreement.
HKAPI Executive Director Sabrina Chan said at least six types of cancer drugs were already included in such agreements.
The study marked an important milestone in a concerted effort that was well covered by local media, thanks to the presence of Dr Raymond Lo Immediate Past President of the Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong; Dr Polly Cheung, Founder of Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation and Dr Alexander Chiu Specialist in Medicine, Hospital administrator.

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